Wednesday, November 12, 2008

loving lisa's letters


and you.. you know who you are. stop fuming, and start forgiving.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

room makeover

it's not fresh from the pages of  martha stewart living, but it's an improvement. for example, my sheets used to be on the floor, not the bed.

for whatever reason, when my mom and i were picking things up and putting them in their proper places, we decided that the elmer's glue on either end table was in its proper place..?

p.s. i started taking an ssri for anxiety and quit the damn thing within the same week. i've never been more sick/anxious. now, i will focus on treating a b12 deficiency, and when i'm all healthy and robust, i'll climb some mountains or something.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


here's a picture of kittens for the hell of it. they're spooning.

after i did everyone's make up, each and every one of them left me to get drunk, but i survived. don't you worry about me